lundi 20 janvier 2014

Tuto Illustrator : notation for gradient of colors

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The notation that I use to describe a gradient of X colors (Tool G) is always the same one. I give an example below (path for a hair) for a gradient of 3 colors (linear gradient, angle = 0°), noted as follows:

·         Location 17,5%, RGB = 206, 156, 80
·         Location 56%, RGB = 255, 246, 226 (distribution: 50-50%)
·         Location 92%, RGB = 220, 186, 146 (distribution: 50-50%)

1)      Location 17.5%, RGB = 206, 156, 80 means : the first color (RGB = 206, 156, 80) located at 17.5% of the bar gradient (see below):

2)      Location 56%, RGB = 255, 246, 226 (distribution: 50-50%) means : the second color (RGB = 255, 246, 226) located at 56% of the bar gradient (see below):

And distribution between the first and second color is 50-50%:

3)      Location 92%, RGB = 220, 186, 146 (distribution: 50-50%) means : the third color (RGB = 220, 186, 146) located at 92% of the bar gradient (see below):

And distribution between the second and third color is 50-50%:

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