mercredi 22 janvier 2014

Tuto Illustrator : portrait of a Top Model Lancome (part 1/2)

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First of all I would like to apologize for my imperfect English, please be indulgent.
Here is the portrait of a young woman (I do not know the name) that makes the pub for maintenance of skin products (photo found for pub Lancôme products) and I intend to reproduce it with the Adobe Illustrator software (CS5).

And here is the result after some effort (and about 30 hours of work):

In general, choose images that are reproduced in large sizes (if possible minimum 1024 x 768 pixels) in order to zoom in the details, with bright lighting and good contrast.
To remain faithful to the portrait, reproduction still has the same difficulties:
face (
light and shadow)
neck and ears



eyes and eyebrows


Jewel (no jewelry here) and clothing (no clothes here).

Face (light and shadow)

To shade the face, I'm going to use, as often a gradient mesh and I advise you to proceed as described in the postdraw a face.
As advised in that post, I start by drawing an ellipse with the Ellipse tool (L) to secure the oval face...

... then I specify the contour by adding points with the pen tool (P), while ensuring to minimize the number of points, here we go 4 points of the initial ellipse to 13 points for the final path (the green arrow shows the center of the ellipse):

Once satisfied with the results, select on the picture using the eyedropper tool (I) a medium brightness color (neither too light nor too dark, here RGB = 222, 184, 165 in the middle of the forehead) before create a gradient mesh using the dialog box (Object-Create gradient Mesh...).

I usually start with a gradient mesh of 10 x 10 points (100 points) and it will be densified progressively when required. Then simply use the picture to reproduce colors in each of the points of the gradient mesh.
If this technique is unfamiliar to you, know that the method is to enable or disable the trace display by Control-click in the eye of the "Layers" window and use the eyedropper tool to color the selected point with the "direct selection" (A) tool.

The first result is that face roughly reproduced yet, but we will refine throughout the work which follows by expanding the gradient mesh as needed with mesh gradient tool (G).

Below I have densified gradient mesh on the edges of the face to accentuate the shadows:

In the end, feather 4 pixels will be applied to the face.

Neck and ears


The neck is designed with 2 gradient meshes shown below (going behind the face):
The first one to draw the rear part of the neck...

... and the second to draw the shoulder (feather 10 pixels).

We add the shaded part of the neck with a path filled with a linear gradient of 3 colors (angle = 50 °) with a Gaussian blur of 6.6 pixels, described below:
·         Location 0%, RGB = 222, 184, 165
·         Location 22%, RGB = 146, 92, 73 (Distribution: 50-50%)
·         Location 100%, RGB = 16, 13, 21 (Distribution: 63-37%)

Read the post "Notation for color gradients" for more information.



For each ear I draw a gradient mesh (feather 4 pixels) and the shadows are made with 2 linear gradients as below:

The first linear gradient has 2 colors (angle = 0 °) with a Gaussian blur of 2 pixels, as described below:
·         Location 0%, RGB = 146, 92, 73
·         Location 100%, RGB = 16, 13, 21 (Distribution: 28-72%)

The second linear gradient has the same gradient and Gaussian blur options than the first.

The second ear is drawn with the same techniques.
The next step that I prefer is to continue drawing the nose (but you could choose the eyes, mouth).


To realize the nose, I generally create another gradient mesh as below:

Note that the shape of the path is simple and follows the contours and curves of the nose down to the mouth to facilitate future joints. The gradient mesh is also of 10 x 10 points (100 points) and the initial color is the same as that of the face (here RGB = 222, 184, 165).

A first draft according to the technique previously seen gives this:

But after overlapping the 2 shapes (see below), we can see that the integration does not give a very satisfactory result.
The main difficulty will be to superpose the new gradient mesh to the face. This is why (little advice), to facilitate the overlapping, I materialize the future locations of the mouth, eyes and eyebrows that will hide some joints of the nose with the face (but not all, the uncovered parts shown by green arrows).

To remedy this it is both necessary to increase the density of the points for the 2 gradient meshes at their intersections and select points close to these intersections and color them in agreement with each other. This is a work of patience and then experience especially with practice.
A temporarily acceptable result is given below.

To enhance the holes nostrils, I often add paths, with feather 3 pixels, as shown below:

Below are the characteristics of these linear gradients with 2 colors (angle = 17 °):
·         Location 0%, RGB = 57, 15, 18
·         Location 100%, RGB = 56, 10, 13 (Distribution: 27-73%)

The shadow under the nostrils is a path of RGB color = 94, 45, 39 with a Gaussian blur of 2 pixels.

The shadow side of the left nostril is a path with a linear gradient of 2 colors (angle = 96 °) and 1.8 pixel Gaussian blur and feather 11 pixels, described below:
·         Location 0%, RGB = 130, 82, 64
·         Location 100%, RGB = 211, 168, 150 (Distribution: 15-85%)

And for the shadows under the nostrils, I draw an object RGB color = 94, 45, 39 with Gaussian blur 2 pixels.

At this stage, it is possible to increase the density of the gradient mesh of the nose in order to facilitate the overlapping with the face and draw more details (for example in the recess above the nose lip).

The result begins to be correct:


The next step is the design of the mouth, often decisive path to reproduce the authenticity of the resemblance. If you want to see details of my technique for drawing the mouth you can see the post "draw a mouth."
If you see a picture of mouth, you will find that the lips have reflections and streaks more or less pronounced depending on the lighting according to the expression of the subject. This is what we also see in the picture:
Lips (upper and lower)
Reflections on the lips

Streaks on the lips

• Teeth (none here)
• Shadows and lights.

The lips

Starting with the upper lip, I draw 2 paths as below:
I create a blend (option: 12 steps here) with the following 2 paths as below:
Path #1: filled with linear gradient of 6 colors (angle = 0 °, feather 2 pixels), as described below:

·         Location 0%, RGB = 134, 29, 48
·         Location 29%, RGB = 198, 120, 136 (Distribution: 31-69%)
·         Location 49%, RGB = 221, 152, 166 (Distribution: 52-48%)
·         Location 65%, RGB = 221, 152, 166 (Distribution: 50-50%)
·         Location 85%, RGB = 198, 120, 136 (Distribution: 50-50%)
·         Location 100%, RGB = 206, 128, 138 (Distribution: 50-50%)

Path #2: filled with linear gradient of 6 colors (angle = 0 °, feather 2 pixels), as described below:
·         Location 0%, RGB = 143, 71, 78
·         Location 24%, RGB = 143, 71, 78 (Distribution: 72-28%)
·         Location 52%, RGB = 198, 120, 136 (Distribution: 45-55%)
·         Location 69,5%, RGB = 142, 68, 76 (Distribution: 50-50%)
·         Location 89%, RGB = 143, 71, 78 (Distribution: 50-50%)
·         Location 100%, RGB = 143, 71, 78 (Distribution: 50-50%)

Read the post "Notation for color gradients" for more information.
The blend option is 12 steps:

For the lower lip I use the same technique as for the upper one, with a blend (option: 15 steps) and the 2 following paths:
Path #1: filled with linear gradient of 6 colors (angle = 0 °, feather 2 pixels), as described below:

·         Location 0%, RGB = 198, 120, 136
·         Location 24%, RGB = 206, 129, 139 (Distribution: 72-28%)
·         Location 52%, RGB = 221, 152, 166 (Distribution: 45-55%)
·         Location 72,5%, RGB = 219, 141, 159 (Distribution: 50-50%)
·         Location 87%, RGB = 198, 120, 136 (Distribution: 45-55%)
·         Location 100%, RGB = 198, 120, 136 (Distribution: 50-50%)

Path #2: filled with linear gradient of 5 colors (angle = 0 °, feather 3 pixels), as described below:
·         Location 5,5%, RGB = 206, 161, 167
·         Location 19%, RGB = 168, 93, 108 (Distribution: 57-43%)
·         Location 40%, RGB = 181, 94, 112 (Distribution: 50-50%)
·         Location 72,5%, RGB = 133, 57, 64 (Distribution: 50-50%)
·         Location 100%, RGB = 206, 128, 138 (Distribution: 77-23%)

The blend option is 15 steps:

The mouth opening between the 2 lips is a path (feather 2 pixels) which includes a linear gradient of 6 colors (angle = 0 °), as described below:
·         Location 0%, RGB = 91, 18, 28
·         Location 26%, RGB = 134, 29, 48 (Distribution: 72-28%)
·         Location 42%, RVB = 91, 18, 28 (Distribution: 13,5-86,5%)
·         Location 65,5%, RGB = 134, 29, 48 (Distribution: 87-13%)
·         Location 83%, RGB = 91, 18, 28 (Distribution: 50-50%)
·         Location 100%, RGB = 91, 18, 28 (Distribution: 37-63%)


Reflections on the lips

One can notice on the picture that the face is illuminated from top to bottom with a fairly strong light, which explains the many clear and shaded effects.
For the upper lip I use the same path than that of top of the upper blend (see above) and I adapt the gradient colors to make a clear trend. This gives a path (2 pixels feather and Gaussian blur 0.5 pixel) having a linear gradient of 5 colors (angle = 0 °) described below:

·         Location 0%, RGB = 202, 136, 142
·         Location 35,5%, RGB = 224, 173, 171 (Distribution: 66-34%)
·         Location 65%, RGB = 240, 207, 204 (Distribution: 50-50%)
·         Location 85%, RGB = 224, 173, 171 (Distribution: 50-50%)
·         Location 100%, RGB = 207, 135, 134 (Distribution: 50-50%)

To lighten the lips I use paths (see below) with a Gaussian Blur 4 pixels and color RGB = 240, 219, 220.

Ditto for the upper lip:

For light effects at the top of the upper lip I first drew a single line RGB = 219, 240, 220 from the form "Dry Brush 3" in the standard library forms (see arrow below):

Then, the object has been decomposed (Object-Expand Appearance) to apply a Radial Blur value 10, with Transparency "Hard Light", opacity 40%:

For light effects of the middle of the upper lip I drew vertical forms RGB = 240, 219, 220 with reduced opacity about 15%:

For the light effects of the lower lip I first created an “art brushe” from a single line (color not important) to which I applied Effect-Special-Scribble... in order to obtain a broken line as below.

Then I drew two lines interlaced with this “art brushe” color RGB = 242, 224, 224 and then I have expanded the appearance (Object-Expand Appearance) in order to apply a Gaussian Blur of 0.5 pixels with Transparency "soft Light":


Streaks on the lips

Light streaks on the lower lip (only) are made using paths of size 0.3 pixel then decomposed in order to apply a linear gradient of 3 colors (variable angle depending on the desired effect) Transparency "Lighten" opacity 55%:
·         Location 8%, RGB = 128, 40, 45
·         Location 57%, RGB = 237, 136, 157 (Distribution: 50-50%)
·         Location 100%, RGB = 128, 40, 45 (Distribution: 54-46%)

Dark streaks on the lip are made with the same technique as light streaks, but with Transparency "Darken", Gaussian Blur of 0.5 pixel, 50% opacity, and with a linear gradient of 3 colors (variable angle depending on the desired effect):
·         Location 0%, RGB = 238, 214, 215
·         Location 56%, RGB = 183, 49, 74 (Distribution: 24-76%)
·         Location 100%, RGB = 230, 196, 197 (Distribution: 75,5-24,5%)


Shadows and lights

The final result is the image below, which clearly show that the mouth overlaid on the face seems to "float" and we need to improve the design by adding shadows (see arrows).

Some corrections are possible by expanding the gradient mesh face at the connection points of two objects (face and mouth).
The shadow under the lower lip is obtained with a blend (option 15 steps) having a first path filled with color RGB = 102, 47, 37, Transparency "Darken" and feather 3 pixels:

And a second path filled with color RGB = 196, 145, 128 and feather 3 pixels:

The corners of the mouth are drawn with simple paths feather 4 pixels, Transparency "Darken", and having a radial gradient of 2 colors (angle 173 ° and pixel aspect ratio 130%):
·         Location 21%, RGB = 176, 122, 108
·         Location 100%, RGB = 214, 177, 167 (Distribution: 46-54%)

And here is the final result for the mouth:

The rest of tutorial for the eyes, eyebrows and hair is published here...

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